Research an Electrical Contractor

What are the steps to take to research a Electrical Contractor? 1 Contact the Brithish Columbia Safety Authority.  The BC Safety Authority is the governing body over all licensed electrical contractors in British Columbia.  Check out their link at 2 Make sure your contractor has liability insurance and worker’s compensation coverage.  Ask your contractor

Customer Referrals

We have asked our customers to provide a statement regarding the work that has been delivered. These reactions provide proof that our work is result driven, dependable and high quality: (last names and addresses have been removed to protect our customers privacy) Pat from Surrey, BC had a Solar Panel solution installed on their house

Solar Panel installation and service

Why would our customers consider investing in Solar Panel Power? BC Hydro’s rates are subject to rate changes, most likely not always is your favor. It has increased by approx 18% in 2014. If you have solar power, these increases may not affect you at all. You might even earn money by giving power back

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